After launching our freeze dried lollies in July - we sold out in 7 days.. SEVEN DAYS!!!! Sally was on holidays so we couldn't even get more made until she was back. When she finally got home after a month of relaxing with her family, we sent her straight back to work freeze drying as many lollies as she could. However, knowing we had the EP Field Days coming up in Cleve, SA we decided to hold off an extra week to make sure we had plenty of stock to take up rather than selling some in store before hand.
And lucky we did... we sold out of candies on both the Wednesday and the Thursday. We had line ups of 20+ kids at 10am in the morning - which meant after 6pm finishes, there were 2am alarms so we could get more skittles and nerds packaged and get another batch on, ready for 6am! At the Field Days we also met Cozi - who was so impressed with our Candy Bombs that he promised to carve out a few hours to come in store and film some more info about them when he was next in Port Lincoln.
A few weeks later we met up with Rusty and Cozi from the Channel 7 team, and chatted about all things Boston Bay Collective, the amazingly productive Eyre Peninsula and our infamous Candy Bombs. We also found out the gift bag of chocolate treats we make in store under “Boston Bay Gourmet” didn’t even make it home from the field days - due to a three hour delay at the airport - so when Cozi says the choc is Yum - I think he means it!
The filming morning caused a bit of ruckus along the front street with lots of people coming out to say G’day, we absolutely loved having the opportunity to feature on South Aussie with Cozi and look forward to the episode airing in a couple months - stay tuned on our Socials for more info!
And lucky for you - having Cozi in store to film the Candy Bombs meant we madly restocked the shelves so we are fully stocked and loaded - and we will be making stock weekly so we hopefully wont be out of stock again. (**Rumour has it the boss has bought a bigger machine to keep up & the smaller machine will be used for some exciting new products - think candy bombs for puppies).