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About Us

Where there is a strong will, there is a way, and a Long Story!! (IYKYK)

The short story is - We are Kris and Sal, together we form a mother/daughter duo that sometimes has us laughing and sometimes has us slamming doors at each other. We are each others biggers supporter and harshest critic! We keep each other accountable and usually on task, and try to keep our dreams in this hemisphere.. most of the time.

Kris is a Rural Generalist Obstetrician - the classic country GP who got too busy doing the one thing she loves - delivering 150 babies a year - that she barely has time for anything else.

Sal is the Practice Manager, and co-Director with Kris, of our medical clinic - Boston Bay Family Health Practice, and together we used our “down time” as a creative outlet from a high pressure day job. 

We established Alchemellia Skin Care in 2017 with a love and passion for babies and kids, wanting a natural alternative to the chemically ridden products available on the shelf. Made with wholesome nourishing ingredients than make mum life that bit easier!  

With a great response to our products, we opened a brick and mortor store in 2021 in a bid to grow our brand but also help other little businesses like ours also get more exposure and a collective space to showcase our slice of heaven. One of these small businesses we supported was Port Lincoln Gourmet Box Co… vowing if it ever came up for sale we would jump in with both feet. 

Well that dream came true about 18 months later.. being able to grow Port Lincoln Gourmet Box Co into Boston Bay Collective of businesses and what you see today is something we are very proud of,

Supporting small business is our why! We love The Eyre Peninsula, our home & a place that has now nurtured 6 generations of Bascombs!

We have well over 60 local businesses in our bricks and mortar stores! What an amazing feat for population of approximately 20000 people! We love to grow and seek new businesses and new opportunities for those businesses regularly! We love that our passion for this region and the number of businesses we have developed help us not only support small businesses, but also has allowed us to grow into a collective team of 30 staff & associates, which we gratefully get to call family & who make this all worthwhile.

The people are what make our collective work, giving them space, ability and support to let their best talents come to the forefront. We strongly believe meeting people where they are at, and growing them with us & look at what that has created. We cant wait to see where this journey takes us, we hope you come along with us too & We hope you love our products as much as we do.